How To Become a Leader in Your Union

For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union!


To help promote diveristy in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today.

ULI is an intensive, one-year executive-level training program that will give you the tools to enhance your personal leadership skills, lead and transform your organization, and build a dynamic and inclusive movement. You will also make strong connections with other union leaders.


The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.


It is critical that we, as a movement, identify and develop dedicated leaders from diverse backgrounds who will guide us through the challenges ahead. If you want to be one of them, apply for the LEAD schoarship now.


In solidarity,

New York State AFL-CIO